Weekly Takeaway: Technology is Our Friend
In our classroom our kids use technology a lot. It is not used as a substitute for face to face teaching, but rather used as a tool and a way for all kids to get direct instruction. The lead teacher makes phonics videos so all kids get her mini lessons even when she is working with another group. I use it to reinforce phonics by working on Lexia with the kids after we finish our group work.
We teach them how to keyboard in addition to cursive. Their typing skills have improved so much it is unreal how useful it is. They also have some neat ELA activities incorporated into Keyboarding Without Tears. We have moved onto a writing program that uses chrome books and their writing is amazing. I have seen how it can be used in a way that adds to their instruction versus substituting the instruction from a teacher. I have also seen how a classroom can function without these elements but it is certainly fun to be working with all the technology.
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