Extreme Makeover Classroom Edition
Since starting in my current job my classroom has seen many different iterations. I vividly remember slowly but surely transforming my room around my class when I was hired mid-year. I look back on that and wonder what I was thinking but then am so grateful to my now husband who spent hours with me moving furniture around to match my teaching style.
Since then it has seen multiple versions (which I am slightly proud of given how small a space it is..) and the kids who come in the next year feel like it is their space because it is different from last year’s. Some teachers change up decor, I change up how it’s set up and slowly purge on furniture. I am also pretty sure there needs to be a show called Extreme Makeover Classroom Edition, and maybe even a special on COVID age classrooms because desks are totally against how I like to teach but I would like to think that I am making it work in the best way possible.
At the same time, anyone who knows me knows that organizing makes me happy. I think if I had enough hours I would Marie Kondo my classroom and go all Home Edit mode on it after. Alas and alack, there is no time in the day and maybe this summer I will eventually make that a project but for now, I will settle with occasionally turning everything on its head. This will most likely be the final version for this year and fingers crossed I can get my tables back next year assuming COVID behaves. Major fingers crossed on that one.

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