A Quiet Brain…For Once
This June I said goodbye to the school I was working at for the past two years and began mentally preparing for a transition to a new school (still TBD). At the end of the year one of the returning teachers gives a send off to a teacher leaving. In mine, the teacher I worked with that year made me promise one thing: to relax and stop thinking for a bit.
I’m trying not to think about activities I could make that I know I might use for the kiddos when I do my reading internship. I’m avoiding Pinterest exclusively for that reason actually. I need to give myself at least a few more weeks of a quiet brain. I’ve picked up some teaching books and they are on my docket for summer reading but we’ll get there.
It has been a long two years of summers and the school year packed with graduate school work. Pages and pages of reading occupied my time when I was off the court. Paper writing was the main “writing” I did. My brain is rarely this quiet. For now, it’s a pleasant break from the usual chaos of my thoughts, inspirations and ideas I feel the need to act on right away. I contribute the quiet brain to lack of content on the blog recently (but also when its a chaotic brain and busy life who has time to sit and blog, teach, be a dog mom and attempt to maintain a social life?)
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