BINGO! Social Studies Style
This week I covered for the lead teacher I work with while she was out at professional development. We’ve been working on geography and just started learning about the 50 states. Today I read them Scrambled States of America, they colored in a map as you would see one (5 colors and the colors don’t touch) and we played BINGO. The kids did really well with it, which with the group is saying a lot because they don’t have the best impulse control. It was great watching them identify the states and engage in the learning in a different format.
I give the lead teacher all the credit for planning it out and leaving the plans for me. The way they interacted with learning about the overall country showed me they really got it by the end of the lesson. When I think of social studies I believe it really needs to be hands on. It is the best way to learn about concepts that are usually much bigger than what our kiddos know. The lesson I taught today proved that to me because they learned the same thing in so many formats.
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