Edspiration: Teacher Binder Love
I am moving away from subject geared posts for this week. Earlier this week on Facebook I saw a post where a teacher describes how she organizes her teacher binder. I am not quite there just yet in my career but I saw so many things I love. I am that type of person that when I get a lead teaching job the first thing I will do is organize a teaching binder for myself. I live for organization and I don’t think it will be different anytime soon.
The different ideas from Luckeyfrog’s Lilypad I found are great. I love the different sections and the simplicity of it. A lot of the other ones on Pinterest have pages on pages of things to put in. Hers is created in a way I tend to create my binders: I don’t look for cute pages because chances are they won’t work for every situation. I want to include pages I think will be important without digging through so many choices. I get overwhelmed by that.
I am excited to try this when the time is right!
Feature image credit: http://www.luckeyfroglearning.com/2013/03/teacher-binder-remix.html?m=0
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